We Have Your Size
Always the Right Size: One of the drawbacks to today's spas and swim spas, is that they are very limited on the sizes they can offer. Some offer one or two models and that's it. ThermaPool on the other hand, offers you the ability to customize a ThermaPool to fit in whatever available space you have.
Because ThermaPool is Made Right Here in the USA, we are able to make it any size to fit your available area - a very unique advantage.
Wanting access to your very own deep warm water therapy pool is not as complicated as you might think. Since a ThermaPool can be modified to fit any available space, it is able to be placed in areas where no other pool or spa could go. It really is only a matter of seeing the potential of an area. We have made long narrow pools, short pools and perfectly square pools that are made to a specific dimension. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you are able to create your own area where you can start enjoying access to your very own deep warm water ThermaPool.