Keeping It Friendly
Going Green: Therapy Pools are the most eco-friendly therapy pools to use, maintain and operate. The whole world has been moving towards greener projects. Products that are both eco-friendly as well as globally responsible have become the latest craze. Yet, long before it was a popular move around the world, the ThermaPool has been the most eco-friendly therapy pool available.
ThermaPools include a variety of new technologies that help to reduce waste and dramatically reduce the use of harsh pool chemicals. But we did not focus on being eco-friendly at a higher price. Your ThermaPool is also ECOnomically friendly as well.
Cleaner Water: ThermaPool has found a way to keep your water clean and inviting the natural way. By using nature's very own process - ozonated air. ThermaPool is able to create a clean and inviting warm water therapy pool that is treated automatically 24 hours a day without any help from you what-so-ever.
Ozonated air has long proven to be an effective and safe way to sanitize a body of water. By slowly injecting ozonated air into the water line, this maintenance-free product keeps the water clean and sanitized usually without the use of harsh chemicals*. A simplistic design that is both Eco-friendly and easy to use. Learn More>>
Recycling Heat: ThermaPools use a patent pending insulated material that prevents heat loss by as much as 95%. ThermaPools incorporate a revolutionary new design that reduces heat loss by 95%. This efficient use of heat not only helps to reduce electrical demands, it also dramatically reduces waste. And though reducing your heating needs does keep your costs down, it also reduces your use of electricity. Just another example of how a ThermaPool is committed to Going Green. Learn More>>
As Much as 60% Less Power Use: The ThermaPool pump also uses considerably less electricity than conventional spa/pool pump motors. Because a ThermaPool's focus is to provide affordable warm water access year round, we needed a pump that was able to run continuously, if need be, without it costing you hundreds of dollars. The efficient design of a ThermaPool pump reduces your electrical draw by as much as 60%. Learn More>>